
NCME Policy Position Statements

By Megan Welsh posted 09-27-2019 11:06 AM


RZwick.jpgRebecca Zwick, ETS


As you may know, NCME has issued several policy position statements in recent years as part of an effort initiated by past president Randy Bennett.  These statements articulate where the organization stands with respect to a given issue. The stance may be pro, con, or a more neutral position intended to promote and inform public discourse.


The following statements are now available at :

  • Test Security for Large Scale Educational, Credentialing, and Workplace Testing
  • Theories of Action for Testing Programs
  • Student Participation in State Assessment
  • K-12 Classroom Assessment
  • Use of College Admissions Test Scores as Academic Indicators in State Accountability Systems

In addition, two other statements are in the works—one on the development of balanced K-12 testing programs and another on testing principles and practices for emerging multilingual learners. 


At the bottom of the web page where the statements are posted, you will see a link to the current NCME policy for position statements.  I particularly would like to call your attention to the following:


Any NCME member may submit an idea for a position statement. The Executive Committee reviews each idea and, in consultation with the Board, decides whether the proposed statement should be drafted and who should draft it.


If you have an idea for a position statement—even if you don’t want to be the one to draft it yourself—please let me know.  As Immediate Past President, I’m currently in charge of shepherding these statements through the system. I can be reached at

