Dear NCME Community,
As we greet 2025, I am full of optimism for the coming year for NCME. Conference registration is open for our annual meeting at the Hilton Denver City Center, April 23-26. Representatives from over 35 academic institutions will join our NCME Presidential Summit for Educational Measurement Programs on January 9 and 13. And our 6 awards committees are standing by to learn about and celebrate the accomplishments of NCME members (nominations are due Friday). A few updates follow:
1) I have been inspired by the response to my invitation to an NCME Presidential Summit for Educational Measurement Programs. In dozens of preliminary conversations with program faculty and a lively Town Hall in December, I already heard consensus support that NCME can elevate awareness of the breadth and strength of our academic programs. I look forward to our Presidential Summits on January 9 and 13, where representatives of over 35 programs will explore consensus on initiatives.
2) As you register and plan your attendance at our annual meeting in Denver, I encourage you to advance your skills through one or more of our 24 training sessions on Wednesday, April 23; enjoy all of our sessions, activities, and receptions from Thursday through Saturday, and make sure to stay through my Informal Presidential Closing Reception (with an exclusive gift!) late on Saturday afternoon, April 26. Please make sure your NCME membership is renewed early to receive the member rates, and I hope you will stay close to the action at our conference hotel, the Hilton Denver City Center, as well.
3) As our 6 awards committees prepare to review awards nominations due this Friday, I reflect with gratitude on the importance of these awards for my own career and for my awareness of the accomplishments of my colleagues. NCME awards are important signals and records of contributions to our field. I know our awards committees appreciate the work that every nomination elevates (and requires), and I look forward to celebrating the winners at our annual meeting in April.
4) Speaking of awards, I encourage you to pick your greatest figure or slide and nominate it for the EMIP Cover Graphic/Data Visualization Competition (due Monday, 2/10). The library of past winners is impressive to behold. We look forward to celebrating these winners, too, at our annual meeting in April.
I have never appreciated more the considerable service that our members provide in support of the NCME mission. Executive Director Rich Patz and I sent this holiday appreciation message to all of you last month and donated to the NCME Mission Fund in honor of your service. Thank you for all that you do.
Andrew Ho, President
National Council on Measurement in Education