Examining Automated Writing Evaluation Tools

This event is being organized by the NCME Artificial Intelligence in Measurement and Education (AIME) SIGIMIE.

In this session, Corey Palermo from Measurement Incorporated and Joshua Wilson from the University of Delaware will present their research on AWE tools. The session will begin with an overview of various lines of AWE research. Following this, the speakers will summarize the results of two focal studies: one investigating Elementary English learners' engagement with automated feedback and another examining the causal impact of AWE on student writing outcomes. The session will conclude with implications and recommendations for researchers and developers of AWE tools. Participants will also have the opportunity for questions and discussion.


  • Corey Palermo, Measurement Incorporated
  • Joshua Wilson, University of Delaware
When:  Jul 10, 2024 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (ET)


Online Instructions:
Url: http://us02web.zoom.us/j/81728443502?pwd=aGtPb0x0NGhTYVFPYzl2L2xaZEdGUT09
Login: Meeting ID: 817 2844 3502 Passcode: 649132