Upcoming Meeting

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2025 Annual Meeting - Denver, CO
April 23-26, 2025

We are pleased to announce that the 2025 National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) Annual Meeting will take place April 23-26, 2025 with Wednesday, April 23 as the in-person training day. The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held in Denver, Colorado.

Theme: Educational Measurement: In Service of Society

The theme of the 2025 NCME Annual Meeting is "Educational Measurement: In Service of Society." The theme emphasizes the "why" of our work in educational measurement and echoes the last three words of the NCME mission: "to advance theory and applications of educational measurement to benefit society" (emphasis added). We improve and innovate theory and practice not simply to advance the field but to serve society, such as with research that propels changes in educational policy and practice to improve learning and well-being. The extent to which our research benefits society depends on many factors, including the appropriateness of our methods, the richness of our partnerships, the nuance of our communications, and the quality of our data visualizations. Rigorous research coupled with outreach and effective communication are key ingredients in fulfilling our mission. 

  • methods for evaluating and improving test fairness that have potential for broad adoption;
  • applications of artificial intelligence to improve efficiency and insight of student measurements;
  • evidence of past harmful testing practices and alternative approaches that redress these harms;
  • research and symposia that build consensus around central publications (e.g., EM5, the Joint Standards) and improve application of these principles in society;
  • evidence of using classroom assessments to support instructional decisions;
  • advances in the measurement of civics education; and
  • research that reveals the impact of score reports on student success.

Call for Proposals: Quick Reference

For full details, refer to the Annual Meeting Call for Proposals

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday, September 13, 11:59PM PDT
    • Do not expect extensions
    • Ensure your NCME membership is current to receive notifications
  • Maximum Number of Presenting Roles: 3
Word Limits
Proposal Categories Title Abstract Summary Schedule 
1. Coordinated Paper Sessions (3-5 Papers) 12 200 1600 --
2. Organized Discussions (3-5 Presenters) 12 200 800 --
3. Individual Paper Presentations 12 50 800 --
4. Graduate Student Paper Presentations 12 50 500 --
5. Innovation Demonstrations 12 50 500 500
6. Training Sessions 12 200 500 500

Program Chairs

Program Chairs: Katherine Castellano and Scott Monroe

Training & Professional Development Chairs: Matthew James Madison and Qiwei (Britt) He

Graduate Student Issues Committee Chairs: Nicolas Mirelene and Catherina Villafuerte

To contact the program chairs, please email NCMEProgramChairs@ncme.org.


Registration is scheduled to open in December 2024.